Be focused.
Sometimes it's not the pain that makes you suffer, it's your own negative thoughts that make things seem worse. I was raised in a society that really values hierarchy issues. Anyone above another financially  or education-wise is usually highly regarded. They are respected and seen as gods and goddesses whom people look up to for advice and monetary assistance. 

Unfortunately, our society again is filled with people who fear making advancements, investments or at least putting some effort in their daily lives to help them put something on the table for their families. Instead, they sit and wait for help from people. They keep talking about their problems and how so and so hasn't helped them even after they asked for help. Those senseless brats who think someone is here to work and feed them. They forget that even the Bible condemns idling, that no one should eat unless they work for it. (I remember this from my grandma's time and again songs)

Always waiting for someone to help, talking shit about those who do not give and lashing a lot of praise to those who give. Brothers that time is gone when looking up to people was the order of the day, where politicians are seen as the source of our harambee stakeholders, when theirs were obviously appropriated land by their fathers. Time is really gone. 

War unto you that keep needing help from people yet hauling insults and painting others negatively when they don't give, or suing parents and family members for not giving you a share of their piece of land. You have the ability to walk your way out of poverty. Remember that the only barrier between you and your success is you. 

Time is ripe for you to stop talking and ever depending on people. It is time we thought of what do I do to solve this problem I have? 

#drop my problem talks and focus

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